De’Longhi EO141164M AirFry Convection Toaster Oven USA 2023

In this review, we’ll take a look at the De’Longhi EO141164M AirFry Convection Toaster Oven

We will also describe the features that you get with this De’Longhi Toaster Oven and suggest whether you should buy it.

The primary difference between the De’Longhi EO141164M AirFry Convection Toaster Oven and other similar products is that this has been receiving the MOST favorable reviews at the time of writing (Jan 2023).

In this guide, we will explore all of the features that this Convection Toaster Oven offers as well as pointing out the pros and cons and telling you who this Toaster oven is best suited to, based on its intended use.

On top of the above, we will also discuss pricing and ways to purchase the product.

Alternatively, if you are just interested in looking at the features and reviews themselves and don’t want to read a full review of the De’Longhi EO141164M AirFry Convection Toaster Oven, you can click here and visit

Click here to check out the De’Longhi EO141164M AirFry Convection Toaster Oven at AMAZON.COM.

De’Longhi EO141164M AirFry Convection Toaster Oven Ratings

Overall rating: 4.5 out of 5

This De’Longhi EO141164M AirFry Convection Toaster Oven scores 4.5 out of 5 on

66% percent of Amazon reviewers said this product was a good purchase, rating it five stars, 19 percent gave it four stars, etc.

So from these reviews, we may conclude they have a positive opinion of this De’Longhi EO141164M  AirFry Convection Toaster Oven.

We’d like to point out that the scores we presented here only represent the overall rating; individual aspects and features will be discussed along with this post.

In our research, 5% of people who purchased it from gave it a one-star rating.

There are more than 35 global ratings on at the time of writing, which puts this product at a unique price point with more than hundreds of reviews.

As you can see here, 5% of users who bought this toaster oven have given it a one-star review.

In addition to the five-star review, we will also tell you about the one-star review.

In order to get a sense of what customers are saying, we will look at a five-star review.

A 5-star review and user’s Experience using this  De’Longhi EO141164M  AirFry Convection Toaster Oven.

The user who purchased this really liked this De’Longhi Livenza Air Fry Digital Convection Oven.

The reviewer said it comes with a lot of features, making it a great addition to the kitchen.

In the past, they have another countertop convection oven that was also tried years ago but eventually had to be tossed.

The reason they had to get rid of their old countertop convection oven was there was a lot of heat generated by the big piece of equipment and it took up too much counter space. Due to this, they were afraid to use it in their kitchen.

During warmer months (i.e..most of their year in Southern California), they cannot use the old apartment oven because it creates a lot of heat in their apartment. Even with the windows open, their room still feels like an oven.

Another one they had was a smaller air fryer shaped more like an egg that had a drawer you have to pull out and fill. They liked how it worked.

As soon as the De’Longhi was available, they gave it a shot. There are several functions that they’ve used and all of them are appreciated except for one.

It works very well using the Air fry function. With a larger oven, air fry racks can hold more food since they have more surface area and hold more food. They can lay everything out in one layer, allowing them to cook their food more evenly. Also, they don’t use any oil. A tablespoon or two of oil was always added to the air fryer that looked like an egg.

With De’Longhi, however, it would not really help with oil, only causing smoke if the oil is spilled on the heating element.

They are also happy to have an additional nice pizza function.

Their family has also used it to cook ready-to-bake pizza several times and it came out well and crispy and is browned on the top.

Their least favorite feature is the bake function. While it does work, they also made some white cream cheese swirls brown, because they added cheesecake brownies as one of the baked items. It is also possible for some areas of your regular baking to get a little too dark.

It does work well for them when baking cookies.

It is shown in the instructions that the cookie dough is placed on foil on the provided wire rack. In addition, the oven only has one wire rack, and then the bake function uses two sheets. This is a misstep on their part. This machine should come with two so that it can handle two batches of cookies at a time.

Due to the small size of the family – it’s just his wife and him – they prefer their small little oven over the larger apartment model. They found controls on the De’Longhi great.

It will automatically preheat as needed when you choose a function. It offers as many timing options for the pizza, for instance, as you pick the size and the type of cooking. It’s just a matter of picking your favorite.

Their favorite feature they found was the countertop oven did not emit a lot of heat.

Even when people are standing right next to it, the surface doesn’t seem to generate any heat, though it gets hot.

All in all, they are happy to find this multifunction small appliance for their kitchen.

Click here to check out the De’Longhi EO141164M AirFry Convection Toaster Oven at AMAZON.COM.

De’Longhi EO141164M  AirFry Convection Toaster Oven Features.

Settings for cooking – There are many choices for cooking… Those steps are: 1) Toast, 2) Pizza, 3) Bake, 4) Broil/Grill, 5) Air Fry, 6) Convection, 7) Cookies, 8) Keep Warm, and 9) Reheat.

In the event that the timer for your oven has expired while you are cooking, the oven will automatically begin cooling itself off by running an internal fan until it reaches a temperature closer to room temperature – I love this feature.

Accessories – Livenza’s accessory set includes a pizza tray, meat basket, drip tray attachment, and crumb tray insert. These accessories were a pleasant surprise.

Food – Thus far, we managed to cook French Fries, Sweet Potatoes, Pizza, Chicken Legs & Thighs, Toast, Sandwiches, Turkey amongst other meals.

It makes cooking easy and offers a healthier option! You can especially like the fries / sweet potatoes, which you eat several times per week.

Pros & Cons

  • Heats up extremely quickly
  • Once cooking is complete, the fan will begin to cool
  • It’s extremely easy to configure
  • Included are essential accessories
  • This model comes with a host of cooking features and options (9 presets!)
  • Fries and Sweet Potatoes get well done through the Air Fry option, while Pizza and Meat (chicken/turkey) are perfectly cooked through the No-Fry option
  • When cooking, visibility is slightly affected by a slightly foggy condition (due to sealed ovens).

Who is this De’Longhi EO141164M  AirFry Convection Toaster Oven For?

(Homemade or commercial) Pizzas are cooked perfectly in this oven.

You can use De’Longhi EO141164M Toaster Oven all the time for reheating food, toast, etc. the only appliance you need on your counter.

This De’Longhi EO141164M  Toaster Oven is for people whose size of this oven is comparable to others and has a decent amount of cooking room without taking up too much counter space.

In 9 out of 10 cases, the preset functions have been correctly set.

Although a couple of minutes of extra time need to be added occasionally, you find this Toaster oven to be very helpful.

Final thoughts about this De’Longhi EO141164M Toaster oven

With all the features it offers, you’ll find that this De’Longhi Livenza is the perfect convection oven for any kitchen, as it offers everything you need to make life easier.

Because of the simplicity of the toaster oven, your family will be encouraged to eat healthier.

The food quality remains intact when almost anything is cooked in a reasonable amount of time.

Compared to the previous convectional oven, you will expect about x3 more high satisfaction and user-friendly experience when using this toaster oven.

Click here to check out the De’Longhi EO141164M AirFry Convection Toaster Oven at AMAZON.COM.

Faq for this De’Longhi EO141164M Toaster oven

Q: Can you tell me the dimensions of the interior cooking? Can you fit a large pizza?

A: Hello, Pizza is one of our automatic features.

Cooking is automatically controlled by temperature and heating elements, but the cooking time can be altered if necessary.

Aside from selecting freshly made or frozen pizza, there are options for choosing the size (e.g., 6 inches to 12 inches),

What kind of pizza you’re making (1- or 2- tray), and whether it is thin crust, regular or deep dish. Pizzas prepared through this program are always cooked correctly because it uses the entire Double Surround Cooking function.

Q: When air frying, why does my toaster oven make this ticking sound?

A: I am not certain, but the Air Fry setting is pretty hot, so there could be some expansion at joints, which is what would cause the metal to settle into place. There were a few ticks every few minutes as this reached higher temperatures, but they hardly bothered me.

Q: What is the time it takes to toast bread? I am deciding between the larger model and this model when toasting takes more than 5 minutes.

A: If you like your toast very dark, you may only need about 3 1/2 to 4 minutes with these settings.

The hot surface and the running fan will make it darken further if you do not remove it immediately after the timer goes off.

Q: Do you need to clean the inside of the oven when you air fry? What happens to the oil when you air fry?

A: Anytime I have air-fried food which is mostly panko shrimp, chicken tendors, or similar, a small amount gets on the drip pan and is easily cleaned.

Q: What is the baking time for salmon in this kind of oven?

A: Hello, this unit is able to bake a number of different items. You can only determine the bake time by considering the size, weight, and temperature of your food.